


Schools Attract Immigrants to Fairfax

Our community of 200 single family homes in central Fairfax is far more culturally diverse than when Hickory Farms was built while the first wave of refugees from the Vietnam War resettled in the Washington area in the late 1970s. While the Vietnamese led the way, the biggest impact on our community has been the second wave of Indian, Pakistani, and Korean immigrants who have sought out new lives in Fairfax County.

Opinion: American Conversations from Nepal

Although it is a little over six years since I first landed in the USA from Nepal, it is not too early to say that I am living the dream. For me, the American dream is not about amassing money and living in luxury, but about living freely and fully in mutual harmony in a community. It is about happily raising a family in a peaceful and safe environment, giving kids the best education possible, and adapting to the American culture of “giving.”

Editorial: Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas

Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas

We are a nation of immigrants, to invoke the title of John F. Kennedy’s posthumously published book; undeniably a nation descended from immigrants and a nation greatly augmented by immigration. From this perspective, with the first immigrants motivated by the search for religious freedom, even Christmas is a religious holiday of immigrants.

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Sikhs Bring Foundation of ‘Service to Others’

Fairfax Station temple active in community outreach.

On a recent Thursday evening, Ajaib Singh, 78, one of the founding members of the Sikh Foundation of Virginia, politely escorts a visitor to the area where one removes shoes and dons a headscarf.

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Dynamic and Diverse

New immigrants bring religious diversity to Fairfax County.

At the intersection of Hooes Road and Silverbrook Drive, on the dividing line between Lorton and Fairfax Station, is the largest Hindu structure in three states.

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Bienvenido! Huān yíng! Welcome!

Chantilly Bible Church thrives on diversity by providing outreach to immigrants.

Pastor Isaac Huang vividly remembers the day he landed in the United States from Taiwan. It was Jan. 7, 1982, and Huang, 25, was looking forward to studying computer science at Old Dominion University.

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Being Muslim in Fairfax County

Immigrants face the challenge of balancing Islamic faith and American culture.

Over the years, Muslims from different countries migrated and settled in the Fairfax County area; however, the children of immigrant parents often struggle the most because they have to balance their Islamic faith along with the influence of American culture.

Immigration Assistance Organizations

A list of some local non-profit organizations that provide immigration assistance, also provided by Fairfax County at

Opinion: Immigrants and Today’s Faith Response

The presence of increasing numbers of immigrants is a challenge to the Fairfax County faith community commitments. The challenge is to be a faith community with open arms. Historically the churches in the United States have been immigrant churches. Who among us cannot trace one’s ancestors back to a country outside the U.S.? The church’s care and concern for countless European immigrants is well known. Today, we the faith community are called to welcome immigrants with similar hospitality.

Letter: Another Look At Diversity

In reading “Embracing Our Diversity” by U. S. Rep. Gerry Connolly, in the Nov. 22, 2012 edition of The Connection, I nearly choked when I came to his third paragraph in which he made the following statement: “I tell them that America, a country of immigrants, is a place of opportunity where you can pursue your dreams and raise your families without fearing that somebody's government is going to tell you what to think, how to express yourself, what to believe or how to worship.” My question to the representative is this: What rock have you been living under for the past two years?

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Day Shifts, Night Shifts On the Road to Success

An Indian immigrant’s story: Making it and giving back.

When the chain pharmacy he worked for opened a drive-through pharmacy, it was the final straw for Amit Shah of Fairfax.

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Building a Better Life

An Afghan immigrant’s story: From Soviet war to American Dream.

“Personally, I never think anyone is better than me, and I never think I’m better than anyone,” Bob Zahory of Centreville chuckles as he offers up another pomegranate lemonade.

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Living Life in ‘The Dream Land’

Jorge Adeler shares his story of the American Dream coming true.

The American Dream has been shared for generations—some call it an idea; others call it a reality. Many people come leaving behind former lives in search for better ones, not only for themselves but also for their children.

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Social Programs Adapt To Fulfill Immigrant Needs

Fellowship House, Interfaith help immigrants on their way to self-sufficiency.

A visitor to Hunter’s Woods Fellowship House in Hunter’s Woods Square in Reston could hear 21 different languages.

Opinion: Immigrants and Today’s Faith Response

The presence of increasing numbers of immigrants is a challenge to the Fairfax County faith community commitments. The challenge is to be a faith community with open arms.