Krazy for K9s at Frying Pan

Krazy for K9s at Frying Pan

"Short Stuff" or "Shorty," a Dachshund/Chiuaua mix, waits for agility class to start with companion Madelyn Thomas of Oakton on Feb. 16.  Shorty and Thomas are members of the Krazy for K9s 4H club that meets weekly at Frying Pan Park.

"Short Stuff" or "Shorty," a Dachshund/Chiuaua mix, waits for agility class to start with companion Madelyn Thomas of Oakton on Feb. 16. Shorty and Thomas are members of the Krazy for K9s 4H club that meets weekly at Frying Pan Park. Photo by Deb Cobb.

Krazy for K9s 4H Club meets at Frying Pan Park weekly. The club practices basic obedience, agility, and canine freestyle (dancing to music). For more information about the group, go to their website: