Fairfax County Elections

Fairfax County Elections


Reject the Meals Tax

“A closer look at school spending shows the intentions of the School Board are to delve into more political correctness and social engineering.”

A “no” vote will send a message to the county Board of Supervisors that higher taxes should not be routine, and that county leaders must focus on better management, and more importantly, the School Board, more efficiency, and greater respect for taxpayers.

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Fairfax County: Changes in Voting from 2012

Electoral board highlights key dates and procedure updates.

Clinton or Trump? Meals Tax or no Meals Tax? These are just a two of the weighty decisions on the ballot for this fall’s election. To help people prepare for this cycle, leaders of the Fairfax County electoral board held a meeting with media to highlight some changes from the 2012 Presidential election.

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Meals Tax? Ballot Possibility

Board of Supervisors potentially set to approve meals tax ballot question on June 7.

A majority of The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voiced support last week for including a Meals Tax Referendum as part of the 2016 General Election.

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Fairfax County: Election Officers Still Needed for March Primary

Cameron Sasnett has one message for people concerned about the integrity of elections -- at least from a procedure standpoint: Get involved as an election officer.

Jennifer Boysko: Her Own Words

Comments from Jennifer Boysko, a few days after she was elected to serve District-86 in Virginia’s House of Delegates:

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Democrats Win Closely Watched Races in McLean, Great Falls and Herndon

History promised Del. Kathleen Murphy (D-34) that her reelection bid to Virginia’s House of Delegates would be close; no matter how much money Republicans pumped into Craig Parisot’s campaign in the final days.

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Springfield: ‘Steady’ Voting

Allyn Hammel of Burke began working as an election officer over ten years ago and then was promoted to chief election officer for the 2008 presidential election. She described the voter traffic at West Springfield High School as “steady.”

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Fairfax Station: ‘Steady’ Voting on Election Day

While most voters were likely fast asleep, chief election officer Sing Lee of Kingstowne was at Silverbrook Elementary School in Fairfax Station setting up voting stations at 4:30 a.m. An event in the school’s gymnasium the night before election day kept his team out until the morning. But it was critical to get the precinct open by 6 a.m. on Nov. 3.

Mount Vernon Viewpoints: Why was it important to you to come out and vote today?

“These guys decide how resources are shared, apportioned. School resources is an important issue for me. Your no or yes makes a big difference.”

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Mount Vernon: Storck Elected District Supervisor

With almost 57 percent of the vote Mount Vernon School Board member Dan Storck defeated businesswoman and Republican Jane Gandee.

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Mount Vernon: Voting ‘Slow But Steady’ at West Potomac

Doris McBryde of Mount Vernon had a simple goal as chief election officer at the West Potomac High School polling center: “Get people to vote, as expeditiously as possible.”

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Burke and Fairfax: ‘Steady’ Stream of Voting at Robinson Secondary

Teri Ayres of Fairfax is in her fourth year as chief election officer at the Robinson Secondary School voting location.

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Fairfax County: Republicans Celebrate the Victorious

And honor the defeated

Supervisor John Cook (R-Braddock) said he much preferred this night to the one when he was elected to his first term. A close race with his opponent meant waiting around until late into the evening. This year, Cook defeated Democrat Janet Oleszek by a more handy margin of about six percent of the vote.

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Fairfax County: Palchik Upsets Incumbent Reed for Providence School Board Seat

With 58.22 percent of the vote in unofficial election results, Dalia Palchik of Annandale defeated the incumbent Providence District Fairfax County School Board representative Patty Reed, who garnered 41.31 percent.

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Fairfax County: Hough Edges Incumbent Velkoff for Third At-Large School Board Seat

Fairfax resident Jeanette Hough said her race for the Fairfax County School Board started with a phone call to Springfield District representative to the board Elizabeth Schultz. “What are we going to do about the school board?” Hough remembers asking. “We’re being ignored as parents and taxpayers.”