U.S. House of Representatives

U.S. House of Representatives


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Jim Moran: The $15 Million Congressman

During his years in Congress, Moran raised and spent about $1 million each campaign cycle.

One of the first things that happened after U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8) announced he would not be running for reelection this year was that he cancelled a fundraising event.

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Area Votes for Obama, Kaine, House Incumbents

President Barack Obama wins second term, Kaine wins Senate seat, Moran, Wolf, Connolly re-elected.

In a bitter and historically expensive battle, President Barack Obama defeated Gov. Mitt Romney, winning a second term Tuesday after grabbing the key swing state of Virginia after midnight. With the addition of the Commonwealth’s 13 electoral votes – as well as those of Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire and Wisconsin – Obama sailed over the electoral cliff with the critical 270 electoral votes he needed for victory.

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Obama, Clinton, Kaine Fire Up Virginia Crowd

Campaign rally in Bristow, Va. attracts 24,000 supporters.

President Obama, President Clinton, and Senate hopeful Tim Kaine gather supporters at a Virginia rally.

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Romney at GMU: ‘He Believes in Us’

Fairfax crowd gives Romney ‘energetic’ welcome as more than 10,000 supporters gather inside and outside Patriot Center.

By the time GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney took center stage at George Mason University’s Patriot Center around 4 p.m. Monday, the crowd was fired up.

Editorial: Feeling Important

Presidential campaigns traverse Northern Virginia on last days, mark the importance of every vote.

The images from the last weeks of the presidential Election of 2012 make it clear that it would be hard to overstate the importance of voting, especially in Virginia, especially in Northern Virginia.

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Absentee Voting Down Slightly from 2008 Election

More confusion about redistricting reported at polls, not Voter ID.

The line of 100-plus voters casting absentee ballots at the Reston Government Center Friday evening moved quickly.

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Voter Turnout High in Reston

Despite long lines crowds remain positive.

Voter turnout around Reston was high Tuesday morning with voters reporting waits ranging between 35 minutes and one hour.

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Voter Turnout Strong in Herndon

The early morning activity at the polls was generally more than cordial, with something of a block party atmosphere.

6:01 a.m.—29 degrees Fahrenheit. There is just a hint of sunrise brightening the darkness, but there are already some 50 people forming a line in the parking lot of Herndon Elementary School on Dranesville Road.

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A ‘Tremendous Turnout’ in Vienna

At Wolftrap precinct, about 100 voters were standing in line by the time the polls opened, some having been there since 5:10 a.m.

Election Day proved to be a cold, but busy morning at Colvin Run Elementary School in Vienna.

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McLean Voters Head to Polls

Voting locations crowded starting at 6 a.m.

McLean residents flocked to the polls Tuesday, Nov. 6 to choose a president, senator and congressman, as well as vote on several key County issues.

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Great Falls Goes to Polls

Early voter turnout high in most locations.

Every election day, Julius Zannetti of Great Falls gets his voting out of the way first thing in the morning.

Viewpoints: "What issues are most important to you in this year’s election?"

“Three issues really are on the top of my mind. The security of the U.S. I am very concerned about the defense of the United States. Secondly, the economy. We’ve done nothing to bring us out of this depression. Third, unemployment. Twenty-seven million people out of work is unacceptable. I think it’s time we get a new horse-holder up front.”

10th District Candidates Speak at Great Falls Grange

Rep. Frank Wolf, challengers Kristin Cabral, Kevin Chisholm hold forum.

Democratic challenger Kristin Cabral faced off with Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10) at the Great Falls Grange Tuesday, Oct. 23, in a community forum designed to answer questions about the next two years of the 10th district.

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A Three-way Race in 10th District

Kristin Cabral, Kevin Chisholm oppose Frank Wolf in new-look 10th district.

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10) is attempting to be re-elected for a sixteenth term come Nov. 6, but he will face two challengers in Kristin Cabral (Democrat) and Kevin Chisholm (Independent).

Editorial: Last Week to Register to Vote

To vote on Election Day, you must be registered at your current address no later than Oct. 15, 2012. Registered voters should have received a new voter card in the mail by now. You can check your registration status online by visiting the State Board of Elections website at www.sbe.virginia.gov. There you can also download a voter registration form and mail or fax it to your elections office address.